As the first day 2024 firstly I am proud of us for surviving this year no matter how difficult it has been for you. For a lot of people new year solutions can be toxic so to still reflect on the year and move forward for the better here are some things I am keeping in 2024 and some things that are going straight in the trash in 2024. Hopefully this may help think about what's to come next without any pressures.
Drink lots of water (girl you are lacking hehe)
Keep running because it makes you feel good!
Listening to your podcasts because it keeps you grounded and feel related to
Coffee because its the little things that get you up in the morning
Lowering screen time because without social media you are happier, you have found out
Arranging to see friends because they make you happy
Never stop trusting your gut, it has always been right
Remembering how much impact you have
Hobbies because they keep you sane
Reading reading and moreeee reading
Not changing or adapting yourself to fit in with others
Not needing someone to fulfil me
Keep romanticising life
Solo dates because you love your own company
Not making my bed, it starts the day better if you do
Thinking I am not good enough because some boy made me feel like it
Gossip, never gets you anywhere
Putting my energy into people where it is not reciprocated
Having an answer to everything, sometimes not knowing is better
Keeping old clothes just in case (you were never going to wear them)
Overspending, hurts the bank
Procrastination, just do it now or never
Scrolling in a morning and before bed
Posting loads on social media because no one cares and it's unrealistic