These are the best years of your life, they say?
Turning 20 came with a lot of different emotions and added stress than I needed to take on for what reason I couldn't tell you.
Pressure of finding the one, pressure of figuring out what job I want, pressure of having everything figured out and planned.
Because after all I'm not a teenager anymore?
Stepping into your twenties sounds great, more independence you feel more adult because you don't have that label (teen).
But everyone is on different paths and that includes you.
Some people are getting engaged, having babies, starting driving and getting their dream jobs.
That doesn't mean you should be doing that too only because all your friends or someone on Instagram you haven't spoken to in years are doing it.
Comparing your life to others only puts unadded pressure on your life that isn't necessary.
Everyone is on a different journey.
Trying to decide and plan your life out creates a bubble around you that makes you constantly check in with yourself and when timings don't work out you self-destruct about how you haven't done this or that yet.
You become your own worst enemy.
Creating plans and taking your life seriously so you aren't at a loose end is great to give yourself ambition and the confidence within yourself.
It's all about balance and changing your mindset that when everything doesn't go to plan that it is okay and nothing is linear.
One day for example you could wake up and battle a health problem where you aren't able to do everything you wanted to do that year.
This is a good sign to look after yourself and focus on you.
Being present for a while is okay.
You are taking away your happiness and peace by trying to be everything and do everything.
During my own twenties I have learnt that I felt like I should be doing more or 'be sorting my life out' purely over a number.
How from one day everything changed to suddenly I need to be sorting everything out, meanwhile the week before I am watching The Real Housewives eating ice cream in bed because I felt like it?
I start these conversations with my friends at coffee dates thinking it is just me and they say back 'oh my god I feel exactly the same!'
Why do we do this?
Society and social media will be the enemy whether we like it or not and it can only get worse the more we use it, there's so much beauty in it but so much bad too.
We get lost in our thoughts of our own brainwashing, the order of life and the key is take each day as it comes and enjoy the little things.
Get those walks in, see those friends, have that beverage and dance till your feet hurt.
After all when we get older we will treasure those memories the most being young, free and without responsibility and I hate to say it but we only live once, why look back in regret.
There's so many stages to come and that will be amazing, new places, children, exciting jobs and most of all the memories.
The only difference is that the meaning changes and so do our priorities.
So prioritise being a silly 20 year old with major responsibilities alongside focusing on your dreams too.