A difficult one to decipher when you fall in love from a young age.
Young love, a first love.
Sometimes these patterns carry onto our next relationships because we don't learn.
When we don't learn we don't notice old patterns we follow through because we don't see a problem with it until after.
Love can make us do some crazy things.
We think we are level headed but when feelings are involved everything changes.
Knowing this and being aware helps us break up what is feeling and what is logic.
Some people look back on relationships and try to find what went wrong from their side and some can't find what went wrong.

This is where we don't realise we didn't put ourselves first.
You can have done everything by the book but if you don't put yourself first and love yourself you won't recognise their behaviours taking advantage of you.
It may be cute for a couple of seconds putting someone's needs above your own but if those boundaries are never put in place this is where the hole of "losing yourself" starts to open up.
The other person will push and push and see how much they can get to your limit till there is nothing left.
You can love someone wholeheartedly and love and care for yourself.
You are your own person who needs to learn as much about yourself than you do the person in front of you.
It is something always to admire that you have your own identity and have boundaries because ultimately that is the self worth people for years try to gain from within.
Recognising patterns of what some would say is too much kindness and care, putting yourself on the line can save going back to that hole.
It is too easy to blame the other person and there will be many factors as to why something didn't work but to trust in yourself you did what you could for yourself is more powerful than understanding why they took advantage of that.