There are a lot of foundations to a relationship and to some there are more important ones than others.
Over time viewing other people's relationships and thinking about how I want my own to be like, friendship was an important thing to have for myself.
And I don't mean the friend zone but the aspects of friendships that include loyalty, trust and laughter.
Those are things I certainly have with all my friends.

I've found from parents and friends seeing their relationships over time they work better and are something I admire.
If a relationship is built on pure lust and looks there comes a point where that becomes lost.
Looks fade and lust fizzles and the excitement dies quicker than it came in the first place.
Obviously attraction is important but to be attracted to their soul too is incomparable.
Being able to be your true, authentic self is the most loving thing anyone can do.
And if you can have that with your friends why wouldn’t you want that with a lover?