Now I am not a professional or can guarantee any of these things can cure how you may be feeling. But we can only try things out to keep our minds at ease for a little. Over time I have tried lots of different things. Lots didn't but a lot have worked so here I am to share the things I do to get me out of rough patches with my own mental health.
Taking time out for myself
This sounds so cliche but as humans we don't realise how often we don't do this. Our lives are so jam packed with all things balancing work, social and our lives with ourselves. When we are so busy we can't recall the last time we sat and did something for ourselves. This isn't about sitting and having a pamper night. It could be. But this is more about doing something you love that makes you feel good whether that be creative or calming. Finding that thing that makes you escape will help so much to de-stress from the rush around you.
This is something that I never realised had such an impact on myself. Your surroundings reflect what you take in from the outside into the inside. Trying to be more keen with going outdoors whether that is the woods, a nearby pond, the beach or the countryside. Whatever is accessible to you, try an hour a week. You become so aware of your surroundings and romanticise everything around you. You start to notice the leaves on the ground or how present you are listening to the waves. When we get stuck in a world of screens at every corner it can be hard to remember the beauty around us. It is so freeing.
Personally I think these are so important and the amazing thing is everyone has different ones. It can be anything of your interest which is what is so great. Hobbies are something you don't always have to keep up into your lifestyle all the time. And you don't have to like them at first. It is trial and error. You could start crochet and lose your love for it years after and that's the beauty of having hobbies you don't have to feel bad about not sticking with them. Look at them as either a temporary happiness helping you now or a lifelong escape!
I have put this one in as a personal favorite. Not everyone loves painting. But I love to urge my friends to paint something whether that is paint by numbers, canvas painting or pottery painting. Purely because it is so relaxing and I know for some it is the total opposite. Having a blank canvas where you can create or start something new is a freeing feeling. I paint for others which to me is rewarding giving them something I have created with them in thought. There's so many different types of painting and some I don't like either, for example water coloring. For beginner painters I recommend paint by numbers because it doesn't require you to come up with ideas or draw them either.
Plants are a great way to help with your mind. They represent something to nurture and look after. Almost as if without you, they would die making you their purpose. To be watered and given sunlight. It brings out your motherly side and love towards something to take care of. Having greenery around you or flowers can remind you of the beauty outside your door. It can be calming to have these colors around you too.
Getting our body moving physically is a great way to help with your mental health. I think it is an underrated thing because lots of people don't realise the connection between the mind and body and how different exercises help in different ways. Like yoga is great for mindfulness and relaxing the body whereas weight training can make you feel strong and empowering. There are so many different things you can do. It doesn't just have to involve the gym, it can be sports or simply walking around areas you have never seen before. The after effects are better than simply doing it. It boosts your energy so you feel better physically and is good for your body. Even though it is hard to simply start, by pushing ourselves mentally to move and keep moving we reap the rewards.
One that I incorporate into my everyday life. I prefer to put on an episode of a podcast when I am getting ready in the morning or if I am sitting around not really doing much. As someone who can't sit in silence, podcasts are perfect for me. It makes you feel less alone listening to someone talk and choosing your podcast from what mood you are in helps too. There are so many to choose from. There are funny, relatable, mindfulness ones or simply something you have of interest. I can assure you there is one for everything. It can be a good escape to take your mind of whatever is swimming around in there too.
Writing is one of my favourite things to do (if you haven't already guessed). When there is so much I have thought about in a day, writing it down or even just typing it up feels like I have put it somewhere and I don't have to worry about it anymore. This is good for people who don't like to go to others about their problems or feel like a burden, which may I add no one is ever a burden you are just going to the wrong people. It is also a good way to reflect back and every now and then read back and see how much growth has happened. With my own blog I don't share everything that goes on in my brain but quite a lot do and I love to write for people around myself that feel a certain way about life and write it in a positive way to make us feel better about things around us. I think writing is very powerful and using it to help us is even more powerful.
Seeing new places
Exploring and making a list of places you haven't been to can be refreshing. A lot of us like being stuck in the same patterns of places we go to visit and of course we can do that. Shaking it up every so often allows us to make new memories in these places and step us out of our comfort zone. I like to go where I am comfortable but have found trying new places whether it's for food, walks or coffee places it would make me so anxious but by doing that it made feel like I can do it again and gain more confidence in doing so.
Good people
This is a major one for me. I never realised how much the people around you impact your everyday life. They influence how you view yourself, others and everything around you. Your chosen people are supposed to make you better and happier not by materialistic things but with their time. Listening, laughing and doing life together. Once I had gotten rid of the people I didn't realise at the time were holding me back and creating behaviors within myself that wasn't good for me. Everything around me was peaceful. When you are happy because of good people you are more selective and the more selective you are, the more calm you are.
Finding fire
This is difficult and not everyone finds easy. There is no time frame on finding something that lights your fire within. The passion you have to get up and create what you love. Finding what I am passionate about helped me feel a sense of purpose and something I knew I was supposed to do. Which may sound sad to some people but having something to work towards is never a bad thing if it helps you get up in the morning.